Media Representations
- Who is being represented? In what way? By why?
This shows how Black people are represented in the media but specifically black men. Black men are represented as 'angry thugs' this is because this is the consistent image that is shown of them by the media in TV shows etc.
The subject is being represented in this way because of the consistent ideology of black people in the media. This image has developed over the years so it is hard for the media to change this view in a short time so this image is continued throughout the years. Also it is the main image that is represented in this movie straight outta compton. However there is good representations of black people in the movie.
- Is the representation fair and accurate?
In my opinion I think that the representation is fair to an extent because this is what the movie shows and the content of it gives the audience a chance to make their own judgements. However there is good representations in the movie such as Ice Cube being and educated smart black male and refusing to sign the contract because of its attempt to mislead the rappers.
- What opportunities exist for self-representation by the subject?
Media Languages and Forms
- What are the non-verbal structures of meaning in the text (e.g. gesture, facial expression, positional communication, clothing, props etc)?
All the characters from the movie poster are wearing black which may give meaning of a dark trapped image. Also 4 of 6 of the characters are wearing caps which is a normal thing however with black representations it has become something bad representing black males with caps as 'thugs' or criminals. Also they all have this mean look or aggressive expression on their face giving the audience more of a chance to create assumptions and judgements on the characters and black African American males in general.
- What is the significance of mise-en-scene/sets/settings (CLAMPS)?
The setting is very signifcant in this case but it gives the audience the power to create judgements. This is a simple image of all the characters together but it is very significant. This is because their expressions, clothing etc. gives off an impression and representation about these characters.
- What sound and visual techniques are used to convey meaning (e.g. camera positioning, editing; the ways that images and sounds are combined to convey meaning)?
The camera positioning is simple and is straight at the characters this is effective because it gives a sense of 'readiness'. This means that the characters are straight forward and they are there to tell their story and how they feel about it. The editing and lighting of this image gives the audience full concentration on the characters which is effective because it makes the audience engaged because they know what to focus on giving them no distractions at all.
- How are characters delineated? What is their narrative function? How are heroes and villains created?
Linking back to media theories you can see that the heroes from this are the SOC characters Cube,Dre and Eazy-e this is because they were the 'peoples heroes'. This is because their music gave the public a sense of escapism meaning that fans saw these characters as their hereos because they gave them what they wanted. The police in this scenario were the villains which seems wrong and twisted however NWA have created that image to their fans that the police are villains through all the police brutality.
- What are the major themes of the narrative? What values/ideologies does it embody?
This image embodies the ideology of black males. This creates an imagery and reinforces the stereotype of the black people because the image connotes a bad image because they all look aggressive and also are wearing dark negative colours which may show signs of danger or aggression.
Media Audiences
- What are the probable and possible audience readings of the text?
The probable audience reading of this image as the general stereotype of black people and its reinforcement. The video gives the audience that reassurance that all black people are aggressive and angry. This however may also give a different type of audience a different reading. Younger audiences may see these characters as role models and people to look up t because of their massive success in music and business.
- What are the audience pleasures, uses or gratifications? (Refer to theory).
The audiences pleasures is to see this and be entertained by it and be informed by it and ready to watch the movie. This gives the audience pleasure in seeing them succeed and become the characters they are today.
- How do you, as an audience member, read and evaluate the text? To what extent is your reading and evaluation influenced by your age, gender, background etc?
I see the imageas a chance to reinforce stereotypes and this really gets to me. This is because this representation affects me and many other people and by this becoming viral this allows people to see and reassure themselves that "yes black people are like this" or "Yes, typical". My view is influenced by my gender and background because this affects me and seems to place a bad light on black people from peoples thoughts. However to me I see this as success a chance to celebrate and embrace such a moment. This is because this shows successful rappers becoming role models and business men. However people still see this as a chance to reinforce stereotypes.